Friday, April 5, 2024

He is not here. He is risen!

Easter has come and gone- we remember and rejoice! He is risen! As we try to live each day in Easter Joy and be a Resurrection people we scatter joy amidst the gloomy rainy days and choose to remember that hope must be fed, tended to and nurtured. We think of Jesus's words from Luke 24 "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself." We've had busy days and mundane days. We've painted eggs and practiced piano, learned and danced and now we wait for a warm spring. We see a fresh green paint the trees as they come alive and the blooms poke up through the dirt after a long rest. But oh we are so ready.  


Levi's photoshoot

When a friend asked to take photos of Levi at 1 of course we said yes! Here are a few fun ones- she was so great in spite of a tired, teething little guy who hated hats! 


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

And then you were one.

Happy Birthday  Levi! You are one! One year ago you finally made your ever so delayed entrance into the world and astonished us all by your size! You continue to astound us by your little self and we delight in you.  You are a baby with strong opinions and we're still learning what they are. But perhaps your most beloved thing (besides big sisters) is your tractor. You have so many words and wake up talking in the middle of the night with long sentences in need of translation.  Your newest words are sock (you raise your foot to show us), eat, snack, please, hop hop, mouth, spoon and bubble. You do not like your high chair or carseat but love to take walks in the stroller. You love watching sisters go by on bikes and swinging in the swing out back. You are amazed by birds, bands with drums (you groove and dance), "walking" around the house with help. You really love animals and are starting to make all of their sounds.  You love steering wheels and beeping the car horn. It is always a marvel to watch a little one discover the world, but this is new territory, watching it through baby boy eyes.  May God bless you always my little boy. 


Sunday, February 18, 2024

In Memoriam: Nana

There is  much to say about this extraordinary woman, my Nana. She left her journey here to begin a heavenly one after 99 years and I am still trying to wrap my heart around this fact.  Jean Kraus, my Grandmother, was truly a Renaissance Woman. She put herself through college against all odds, crafted a successful career while raising two girls and still found time to expand her knowledge of so many areas of life. She is known for many thing: for her love of biographies, for her love of chocolate, for her daily walks, jubilant optimism, a servant heart that always seemed interested in whatever you were interested in (even race cars or pipe organs or musicology).  She was so elegant. She was stubborn and strong, gentle and lady-like and could cook and entertain like a true woman of her generations. (She loved Julia Child of course)  Her tables were impeccable and family gatherings instilled in my memory forever.  But I will also cherish the playful side of Nana, who went sledding down the Pipersville hill with us, played soccer, loved the ocean, dressed up like a clown to surprise us and was forever talking about the old people around her, even when she herself was approaching one hundred.  She loved animals and chocolate covered graham crackers, macintosh apples without skin and tea.  She ate like a mouse. She loved to travel, loved the Queen of England and was no nonsense about so many areas of life.  After Mom went to glory, she showed up for me in many of the places where I most felt a hole.  She came to all of my piano recitals.She traveled to Ireland with me as I began my Phd in Musicology, knitting away in a conference with all of the great Bach scholars. (Everyone was whispering, wondering how this new Bach scholar was!) She was there while I labored with my first baby (ever impatient for her arrival, fussing at the nurses and once again knitting). She was there during trials and heart surgeries, making apple pie and chocolate chip cake for comfort. Even when her mind began to wear out, she was still inviting us to come to dinner, making jokes and laughing at my babies. I will forever be grateful for her place in my life- for the brilliant beautiful woman that she was, for the gift she gave of joy and light, for the example of strength and courage amid great adversity. I will miss her as my Grandmother, as the woman who walked with me when I lost my mother and her daughter. And I will miss her as my friend.  Still, I cannot help but marvel at the gift I have been given to have her in my life, to have loved her for so long and to have known so deeply my mother and my grandmother. I will love you always Nana.